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Professors of Lund University and Luleå University of Technology come to CSUFT for academic exchanges


  May 8 to 10, invited by Civil Engineering and Mechanics of CSUFT ,Professor Roberto Crocetti, Professor Per Johan Gustafsson from Department of Structural Engineering of Lund University  and Professer Alice Wang from Sweden Lulea University of Technology, came to our school for  two-days  international academic exchange seminar . To echo the theme of this seminar modern wood construction and wood - concrete composite structure dynamic international forefront of the development, our school organized academic exchange activities,such as three special academic reports, research group seminars, visiting civil engineering structures laboratory . Graduate School of Civil Engineering and related faculty and students engaged. 

  In  morning of May 8, three professors held wood frame and wood - concrete composite structure of the international forefront of the development of dynamic forum with the College of Civil Engineering Graduate representatives ,reaching mutual concern on hot issues with depth discussion and exchange of views. May 9, Prof. Roberto Crocetti gave an academic  report entitled "Timber-concrete composite structures" .In the report, Professor Roberto Crocetti detailed pros and cons of wood - concrete structures, introducing  wood - Release test load of concrete structures and three-point bending test findings of Lund University in Sweden .He also discussed on the forefront of research. In afternoon of May 9, The report  "Fracture Mechanics" of Professor Per  Johan Gustafsson described wood - concrete structure fracture failure of engineering practice, the structural strength of fracture mechanics material model calculations and linear elastic fracture mechanics beamed force analysis of the application, discuss the wooden structure destroying principle from the mechanical point of view  . Professor Alice Wang's report on the theme "Sustainable Building Material and Construction", focuses on engineered wood applications in harsh environments. CLT proposed hybrid mix of wood, the new materials in the harsh environment of the force and the traditional wood comparison, showing the advantages of the new material. Then, three professors visited the laboratory of our civil engineering structures. 

  The academic exchange activity has deepened intercollegiate academic exchange between CSUFT and  Lund University and the University of Lulea, broadened academic horizons of teachers and students, promoted  modern wood frame and wood - concrete composite structures research of our school. It improves our university civil engineering research level with positive meaning.